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Class of 1972
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Class of 1972
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San Angelo Central High School
Class of 1972
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SACHS 72Bobcats
Elaine Adams
Ross Alexander
David Aly
James (Jim) Archut
Debbie Barker (Pilmer)
Barbara Barnhart (Rallo)
Jim Baucom
Natalie Beck (Hoelscher)
Russell Bertch
Gary Bledsoe
Carlton Boedeker
Jeff Bomer
Mary Kay Boyce (Kuss)
Brad Bratton
Carolyn Brown (Winston)
Bruce Burkett
Barbara Butler (Cheatham)
Lynda Campbell (Leary)
Alma Castro (Boisse)
Jack = Joaquin Cervantes Jr
Guy Choate
Adela Cisneros (Martinez)
Debbie Cochran (Holland)
Danny Coleman
Becky Collins (Mcbee)
John Conn
Brenda Conway
Deborah Cox (Phillips)
Andrea Dahl
Jeff Davis
Bill Denton
Mary Ann Dorris (Edwards)
Linda Drueckhammer (Goble)
Danny Edwards
Jackie Eggemeyer (Sanders)
Delma Leroy Featherston
Janet Fenwick (Appleton)
Patricia Ferguson (Gaddis)
Bill Fox
John Fuentes
Rebecca Fuentes (Olivares)
Enoch Chavez Garcia
Richard Gerth
Vickie Gilbert (Bischops)
Lucy Gill (Hill)
Jan Givens (Denton)
Donny Goforth
David Golden
Gill Goodson
Peggy Hahn (Rodgers)
David Hair
Pam Hart (McClure)
Cindy Hawkins (Loveday)
Jolena Hawkins (Miller)
Nancy Hawkins (Hollway)
Karan Henson
Allen Herrington
Janet Herrington (Kerr)
Carolyn Hetherly (Davidson)
Melanie Hodapp (Connery)
Tommy Hoes
Vicky Holeman (Porter)
Scott Hubbartt
Jimmy /Jim Hudson
Charles Hughes
Gail Hunter (Sterling)
Kathy Jacoby (Booth)
Robert Jett
Susan Johnson (Page)
Virginia Johnson (Eschman)
Sheryl Koschak (Pfluger)
Peter Kouvelis
Joe Kunkel
Jimmy Lackey
Freddie LaGrasta
Susan Lancaster (Woods)
Ellen Leddy (Brandenberger)
Grace Loika (Kelley)
Brenda Long (Fry)
Harold Lopez
Rachel Lopez
Richard Loyd
Eileen Martin (Dunne)
Charles Massey
Sharon Mathiesen (Ingram)
Shawn McAfee (Nishimura)
Linda McKay (Strickland)
Mike McWilliams
Debbie Mesecke (Conn)
Robert Milburn
Sara Millspaugh (Ingram)
Ginger Moos (Smith)
Dru Morgan
Jack Morgan
Jan Morris (Pewitt)
Steve Motl
Rebecca Murphy (Sparks)
Jack Nalepka
Becky Newby (Abel)
Marshall O'Dowd
Karen O'Neal (Coleman)
Jack Pape
Debbie Pate (Boatright)
Walter Pfiuger
Gary Pfluger
Andres Pineda
Marilyn Pinson (Edwards)
Debra Plumlee (Rosenthal)
Daniel Ponce
Martha Pool (Elder)
Bob Poulson
Michelle Ray (Robinette)
Mark Richardson
Linda Rivers (Padgett)
Joan Rogerson
Mellony Rowoldt (Lindley)
Eddie Russell
Billy Rutledge
Lupe San Miguel (Rivas)
Dee Saunders (Ensor)
Jyl Schwartz (Stevens)
Randal Sheppard
Kay Sherrill
Donna Shuffield (Powell)
Larry Smith
James Sorrels
Jana Sorrels (Perdue)
Neal Sorrels
Linda Spieler (Misenhimer)
Barbara Sprague (Markee)
Ricky Stinnett
Jimmie Straughan
Carol Talamantes (Cruz)
Catherine Talamantes (Gomez)
Eudelia Talamantes
Greg Thomas
Molly Turn (Thurman)
Kathy Van Slaars (Hardgrave)
Gwen Ward
Robert Ward
Randy Watson
Ted Weatherford
Carol Weaver (Sanders)
Rusty Wells
Susan Wheeler (Wilson)
Cathy White (Nuytten)
Gary Whitehead
Doug Wickey
Carolyn Williams (Corbin)
David Wilson
Janet Wilson-Larremore (App…)
Marc Wimpee
David Winburne
Carl Word
Jan (Janet) Yancey (Scott)